The Geneva Bee Conference ( is held once a year at Hobart and William Smith College in Geneva, NY. I've attended almost every year usually as a vender. This year I just sat and listened.
First, a record number of Steuben County Honeybee Association
members attended—3. The conference was
sold out, meaning all the seats in the auditorium were full. But wait! Not
everyone who paid actually came, so there were lots of empty seats. That’s good
fact of human nature to file away, for next time. Always have pay-in-advance
registration, and then allow in the last minute people if there is room.
2. Staying seated for a whole day can be painful, but the
seats were padded and the back rests flexed so you could shift a bit.
3. Your $25 fee included free coffee, tea, and pastries.
4. Mike Palmer has presented his talks in Australia and the
United Kingdom and both are available on YouTube. Type his name into the search
bar and you can have the GBC experience in the privacy of your own home. I’d already watched them twice so it was review
for me. Even after watching the presentation 3 times, by the end I feel
confused. You remove queens from nucs, but you need new queens to replace them
and you need hives in which to place new queens or
queencellsandyoushouldhaveremovedqueensthedaybeforefromthehives… Anyways, there
is lots of good information. The take away is a quote he borrowed from someone:
“All beekeeping problems can be solved by either putting something into or
taking something out of a nuc.” I thought Mike had developed his techniques by
reading the nineteenth century bee writers, but surprise! He developed them
independently, thought he had discovered something radical and new and then,
leafing through Fifty Years among the Bees,
discovered it had all been done before.
5. Dr. Tom Seeley talked about his research on the wild bees
of the Arnot Forest near Ithaca. Again, his presentation is available on YouTube.
Two takeaways: First the population of wild colonies is approximately the same
as before the mites came and we all assumed the wild colonies had been wiped
out. Second, as a youth Seeley had pinned a bunch of bees in the 1970s and by
genome sequencing those and the modern Arnot forest bees, surprise! There had
been a big gene shift indicating a population drop and then a recovery. The
wild bee genes indicate a mix of Italian, Black bee, Carniolan, and Middle
Eastern and even some African genes.
6. There were also presentations on bee nutrition, mead
making, dealing with pests, and labelling honey.
7. I’d say the really big climax of the day, not counting
the bad bee puns that the masters of ceremonies filled in with, is the free
refrigerator magnet with the date of next year’s Geneva Bee Conference—March 18th,
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